Monday, April 21, 2008

A busy busy week

Hey guys and gals, I know its been a whole week without a posting on here and I apoligize but it was a REALLY busy week. One of the other schools, the SOME, was in Miami evangelizing for the week so all the rest of us had to pick up the slack on work duties and other items such as that. We also had a few more classes than normal with a few extra things we did. So it was really busy and honestly, when I had some free time I used it to either chillax or sleep. Oh yea, and we had to finish reading our first book by friday so that also took away some of my precious blogging time. But im not gonna go on trying to explain my lack of blogs. Instead i'll actually explain to you some of the things that went on. This past week the teaching was on something called, "The father heart of God." Which was all about God as our heavenly father. It was a pretty intense week that ended with a four hour session dubbed as forgiveness friday. We basically sat in our small groups and forgave everyone who has ever hurt us in any way. We prayed them out loud. It got pretty intense at times as some people revealed some really hurtful times in their lives. So that was this past Friday. Ummmmm this week we are being taught in Spiritual Warfare and i LOVE it. Today was the first day of the teaching and it was amazing. I believe that this is going to be my favorite week by far. Gosh for some reason i cant really think of anything to talk about that happened in the past week although i know that a bunch of stuff happened. Im having a major brain freeze and now i have to go. So sorry about the lack of updates. Ill try and make sure my next blog, which i promise to do within the next 2 days or so, will be filled with stories and details. But now i gotta go...peace!

1 comment:

Rev. Bucket said...

Hey Nathaniel,
Sounds like you are where God wants you!!!

I'm praying for you and am excited to hear about the things you are learning. Stay on course man. the journey is awesome.

Capt W.